Page name: aki's art2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-11-08 01:20:33
Last author: Aki Neko
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# of watchers: 1
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back to aki's art

Ok, now most of my art will be on my DA. My username is AmaneRyo, Ill ge tthe link up later. If you want to see anythign new and cant get to the link or something, ask me and Ill send it to you.

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2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: *Trips* XD

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: Are you okay?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: *Gets up* Yeap...^ ^''

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ok. ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: so what'cha doin'?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Not to much. RPing. you?

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: listening to Wakka Lakka while on here.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Omg.....

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: what?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: That song...

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: what about it?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Oo Its weird.XD

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: I know, I'd like to see the vid

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Isnt that song on DDR Super Nova?

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: I think it's on DDR but not supernova unless I have the wrong one on my ps2?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: I thought it did at the arcade....

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: I'm not sure, I've only been on the thing one day, not a hole day but one day.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Oh...I want one bad for my playstaion...

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: bad?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Like alot????

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: oh ok. ^_^'

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: XD Sorry...Ill try to use less slang.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ok, I know some just not all. ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Still...

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: k ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: *Smiles*

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: so how's the drawing going?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Ehhh...

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ahh k.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^''

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: what's it supose to be of?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Aki. the one you wanted.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: oh, ok, I thought you were working on that one you were working on before I asked you?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: ???Oo

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: yeah. ^_^'

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^''

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: so how's it going along now?

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: Ok.

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: k

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: ^_^

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: *Sits down*

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: *puts his hands in his pockets and leans agains't a wall*

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: *Sighs* Today was...weird. Oo

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: yeah, I realized I was practicaly on all day.

2007-08-19 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-19 [Zel Holt]: yeah, I'm probobly going to get fussed at by my sis tomarrow.

2007-08-20 [Aki Neko]: Oo this is a bad thing?

2007-08-20 [Zel Holt]: yes.

2007-08-20 [Aki Neko]: Oh....

2007-08-20 [Zel Holt]: well so far she's not up yet.

2007-08-20 [Aki Neko]: Ok.

2007-08-21 [Zel Holt]: it wasn't my siter but the transformer outside on the pole, apperently someone got into a crash today and wrecked the electrical system outside that cut off the power to the house.

2007-08-21 [Aki Neko]: TRANSFORMERS!!!!!!!!!*LMAO*

2007-08-21 [Zel Holt]: A transformer, the ones on the electricity poles?

2007-08-21 [Aki Neko]: Oh....Yeah, sure. Ruin the fun.XD

2007-08-21 [Zel Holt]: lol sorry, but it turned off the electricity twice today kicking me off the comp.

2007-08-21 [Aki Neko]: Oo...Oh...

2007-08-22 [Zel Holt]: Make that three times the electicity went out, twice when I was on the comp, darn people who drive into poles.

2007-08-23 [Aki Neko]: *Laughs a little*

2007-08-23 [Zel Holt]: Yeah.

2007-08-23 [Aki Neko]: Stupid people, damn rain.

2007-08-23 [Zel Holt]: it hasn't rained here in a while though?

2007-08-23 [Aki Neko]: Yay rain!

2007-08-23 [Zel Holt]: I don't like the rain.....

2007-08-23 [Aki Neko]: ...Oo You know what> I give up....

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: Sorry?

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: XP

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: hehe, btw how come no one's talking on your fan wiki anymore?

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: Ehh...most wikis about me or for me die after a while...XD Its just my karma.

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: well it wouldn't die if people would comment back.

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: Eh....

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: yeah, if people read it then comment as they or their character would then it wouldn't die, as long as they read it in different meaning then it sounds.

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: ...Oo

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: I know, I say wierd stuff that most people can't understand. ^_^'

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: Its ok.^_^

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: Ok. ^_^

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: Hey, I live (Almost) With Paul, thats not weird.XD

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: Paul?

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: [spongezim invaderpants], username should give that away.

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: Ok?

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: XD Try talking to him, ask how random he ish. ^_^

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: I can see by the name, I would probobly be able to see by the house aswell.

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: ^_^

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: Yeah, hes a little...*Twitles finger around her ear*

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: Ahh, ok. ^_^

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: ^_^ hehe.

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: so how's drawing going?

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: ...Can it be chibi?

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: what the drawings you've done recently?

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: that wrong. XDDD Iv been getting a little better lately... Alot of my good ones are on my DA.

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: Ahh ok, I beleave you. ^_^ It's good to hear you're advanceing.

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: *Nods* My hands are...surprisingly getter more steady.

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: Cool. ^_^

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^ You see the wolf picture on [Eni-0]'s house?

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: the one you have in your house Or the arcanine?

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: Uhh...the wolfs...

2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: The pokemon arkanine looking thing?

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: No, the colored ones.

2007-08-24 [~Spirit Fox~]:
I think she means this...


2007-08-24 [Zel Holt]: Yeah I know, they were in her house, right?

2007-08-24 [~Spirit Fox~]: yup.

2007-08-24 [Aki Neko]: *Nods*

2007-08-26 [Zel Holt]: K. ^_^

2007-08-26 [Aki Neko]: Mew.

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: lol ^_^

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: let's give up on this...^.^ did anyone go school clothes shopping?

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: No, I usualy do school in my robe.

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: homeschool? I go to public

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: Ahh, I didn't think you'd get that so quickly? Anyway, I don't go to public school cause my perents said they weren't teaching me correctly.

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: I think I remeber mine said that once. I prefer public, though. *hehe I am smart, but only when I want to be.*

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: lol, I'm smart all the time.

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: I like hiding all my cards. It's more fun to surprise people.

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: lol, k. ^_^

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: oh right, *pokes Zel* Hah! *I always do that to ppl. It's a sign of friendship.*

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: Ack! *got poked and pokes back* (k)

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kyu! *pokes Zel back and runs behind aki* human sheild!

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: *grins evily thinking he now has two people to poke and slowly starts to walk to them*

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: You are will not catch me, I am too small! Caita-Kun knows that....oh right Aki's not here right now....great *takes off running.*

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: Muahahahahaha!!! *runs after*

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: great, it's the evil laugh, have to dogde that one. *jumps over it.*, ha! try again, *runs into Kumori.* Kumori-Chan! Save me! *hides behind him.*

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: *disappears*

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta: Kumori where'd he go?!
Kumori: playing you're games again, Kieta?
Kieta: Heh, you know me too well.

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: *reappears behind them and uses poke a doom on (Spirit?)*

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: *confused? I steal my characters names from time to time. Kieta and Kumori are from the main story thing.*

Kieta: Not good.

Kumori: Ah, you only live once. *pokes Zel*

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: (k, what do you mean only live once?) Ack! *uses poke of doom on Kumori person*

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kumori never has fun, well not untill he met Kieta and all her mischive

Kumori:I didn't think he'd get me that fast...

Kieta: haha!

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: (ahh.)

Muahahaha! *disappears and reappears behind Kieta and uses poke of doom on the sides, then disappears again and reappears behind Kumori and uses it on the side aswell*

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kumori: kieta!, why do you get me into these messes?!

Kieta: Sorry Kumori-Chan, no worries, I'll catch him. *her eye go from blue-silver to blood red*

Kumori: Kieta! Stop you'll kill him!!

Kieta: Aw, but I wanna test him. *please Kumori*

Kumori: I'm not going to be involved in this one.

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: (Ooo, time to rp. *evil grin*) Zel stops in a deffencive pose and has a giant golden broad sword held in his right hand placed on the ground behind him while ready to attack, his left eye glowing red under his bangs.

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta: this should be fun, I don't think I'll use my crystal.

Kumori: That's not good...*Kumori flies up to the top of a near by building and sits.*

Kieta: It's rare I spar with someone I don't intend to kill., *Kieta draws her sword. It's white sheath stabs itself into the ground.*, Ready when you are Zel.

2007-08-27 [Zel Holt]: Zel points his golden broad sword that's as long as a car at Kieta with only his right hand keeping it lifted, it seeming to be as light as a feather to him, his red eye still glowing. "Shall we then?" Zel casualy swings it behind him then rushes foreward at Kieta, his hands behind him as he runs.

2007-08-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta: fine, Kamikaze ie 5' long and just as light. I also would like you to note the white sheath, it won't move unless I am threatened.

Kieta rushes at him in the same stance. Her white fox ears and tail are parellel.

2007-08-28 [Zel Holt]: Zel's eye under his bangs is still glowing the bright red as he runs. He situates his hand to where the blade would be pointing down if he were to hold it strait out, as it is behind him he turns his left side to face Kieta and pulls his sword over him and down till he turns, this time the right side faceing Kieta and slams the sword down at the ground at Kieta.

2007-08-28 [~Spirit Fox~]: *dodges* Woo, that was close., *Kieta slams her sword onto the ground.*, Kamikaze, isn't just it's name., *Kamikaze blasted a gust of wind at Zel.*

2007-08-29 [Zel Holt]: As Zel's sword hits the ground it creats a huge crater in the ground and extends strait into the ground when the gust of wind blows, the large rocks that were where the crater is now are slowly flouting behind Zel from the wind and their weight.

2007-08-29 [~Spirit Fox~]: Kieta disappears and re-appears behind Zel, kamikaze still gusting air from the earlier blast. She pulls a second sword and swings it above Zel's head. It opens another dimension and takes them to Chan Sparing Page.

Kieta: Aki, I apolgize for taking up your wiki. *alittle sidtracked with testing ppl lately*

2007-08-30 [Zel Holt]: Zel's sword slowly starts to come out of the ground, but the length he had it takes the demention awhile to take him.

2007-09-07 [Zel Holt]: Ok we're done here Aki. ^_^

2007-09-07 [Aki Neko]: You dont have to be. I dont mind.

2007-11-06 [Zel Holt]: I know but still. ^_^ how are the pictures comimg along?

2007-11-06 [Aki Neko]: Pretty well. I have lots new, though sadly I put most of them up on my DA now.

2007-11-06 [Zel Holt]: Ahh ok. well I can't put any of mine up.

2007-11-06 [Aki Neko]: Awwwwww......

2007-11-06 [Zel Holt]: Yeah, I even got the idea of drawing my sister's cat in human form from the manga called Free Collor Kingdom (sp)

2007-11-06 [Aki Neko]: Nice.XD

2007-11-06 [Zel Holt]: Yeah, and you know that phrase "an animal looks like it's owner" not technecaly in that wordige?

2007-11-06 [Aki Neko]: Oh....yeps.

2007-11-06 [Zel Holt]: Well the drawing of my sister's cat actualy almost looks exactly like her, except for the cat ears and the yellowish green eyes. ^_^

2007-11-07 [Aki Neko]: XDDD Very nice, Zel!

2007-11-07 [Zel Holt]: Thanks, I wasn't even trying to make it that way though, If I'm able to go to my friends' house this week end I'll try and scan it and put it up. ^_^

2007-11-08 [Aki Neko]: Ok.

2007-11-08 [Zel Holt]: Well, anyway, what's up? ^_^

2007-11-10 [Aki Neko]: Not alot. You?

2007-11-13 [Zel Holt]: Same, just bored really. ^_^

2007-11-13 [Aki Neko]: Ah. ok.

2007-11-14 [Zel Holt]: Any new pics lately?

2007-11-14 [Aki Neko]: OPn my Da. ^ ^;;

2007-11-16 [Zel Holt]: Ahh, ok. ^_^

2007-11-17 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2007-11-20 [Zel Holt]: So how've you been recently?

2007-11-20 [Aki Neko]: Ok. Yourself?

2007-11-23 [Zel Holt]: Except for the cold, not bad

2007-11-27 [Aki Neko]: Awww....I hope you feel better soon.

2007-11-27 [Zel Holt]: Yeah me too. ^_^

2007-11-28 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2007-11-28 [Zel Holt]: So what's up, how's you're stories and art going?

2007-11-29 [Aki Neko]: Pretty good. My DA is growing rapidly.XD

2007-12-27 [Zel Holt]: Ahh, Ok, cool. ^_^

2007-12-30 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^ *Is proud*

2008-01-11 [Zel Holt]: ^_^

2008-01-12 [~Crimson Angel~]: hi

2008-01-14 [Zel Holt]: Hello. ^_^

2008-01-15 [Aki Neko]: yo

2008-01-15 [Zel Holt]: Yay

2008-01-15 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^

2008-01-15 [Zel Holt]: ^_^

2008-01-16 [Aki Neko]: Mew.

2008-01-18 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2008-01-21 [Zel Holt]: Hmm?

2008-01-21 [Aki Neko]: Mew......

2008-01-21 [Zel Holt]: What's up?

2008-01-21 [Aki Neko]: Not alot.

2008-01-21 [Zel Holt]: Ok, how are your stories?

2008-01-21 [Aki Neko]: Eh.....No more.

2008-01-21 [Zel Holt]: pardon?

2008-01-21 [Aki Neko]: Havent worked on them at all.

2008-01-21 [Zel Holt]: oh, how about your art?

2008-01-21 [Aki Neko]: New scanner than cant connect to the comp.

2008-01-21 [Zel Holt]: oh, ok.

2008-01-21 [Aki Neko]: Ja....

2008-01-21 [Zel Holt]: are you okay?

2008-01-21 [Aki Neko]: Yeah. Im ok. ^ ^

2008-01-24 [Zel Holt]: Ok. ^_^

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